Spaces to Inspire

At Barton Coe Vilamaa, we create spaces for what happens inside of them—dreaming, learning, and growing.

Since 1969, school districts across Central and Northern Indiana have trusted us to create innovative, effective solutions that prioritize community and learning. Our architectural and engineering expertise helps you achieve a day-to-day where you focus less on the structure, and more on the people inside of it.

The BCV Method

The BCV Method

Our Process

We design for longevity, from the building itself, to the advanced systems inside of it. Our collaborative process ensures we create solutions that put people, and their success, at the forefront.

Together, we create an intentional and thoughtful plan that identifies your school’s—and your community’s—needs, now and in the future.


K-12 Specialists

Our expertise goes beyond buildings and systems. We understand the complexities of public projects—from the competitive bidding process to planning for long-term maintenance. Working alongside superintendents, boards of trustees, business managers, financial advisors, and more, our team gets yours. We stand behind our work, and beside our clients, with an unwavering sense of responsibility, every step of the way.

Barton Coe Vilamaa team meeting and planning

Our Team

For more than 50 years, the BCV team has been made up of K-12 specialists. We’re committed to high quality, efficient designs and an unrivaled partnership experience. We were built on relationships—it’s not just about what we do, it’s about who we do it for.

Experience the Difference

Be Inspired

When communities have safe, thoughtfully curated environments, they’re empowered to achieve more.
Together, we can create Spaces to Inspire.

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